Richard Hartshorne

Richard Hartshorne

University of Central Florida

Dr. Richard Hartshorne is an Associate Professor and Coordinator for the Instructional Design & Technology program at the University of Central Florida. His areas of teaching, research, and service interest and contributions include factors that influence the effectiveness of online and blended teaching and learning environments, e-learning, knowledge management, and the application of emerging technology in diverse instructional settings. He has authored or co-authored 28 manuscripts, 12 book chapters, co-edited two books, and completed over 110 conference/workshop presentations on these topics. His work has received grant funding from the National Science Foundation, the Library of Congress, the International Research & Exchange Board, and the Institute of International Education, among others; and his articles have appeared in such publications as the Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, the International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations, the Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, Internet and Higher Education, the Journal of Educational Computing Research. He also serves in various editorial capacities for a number of journals focusing on innovative and emerging applications of technologies in varied teaching and learning settings.

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